Hengstmann Solutions GmbH Am Reutberg 4 83679 Sachsenkam Tel.: 08021 50472 0 Fax: 08021 50472 28
Please visit us : CONTROL 2018 24.4. - 27. 4. in Stuttgart COMPOSITES EUROPE 6.11. - 8.11. in Stuttgart
Gesture-Controlled CAD System A system for modification of drawings directly in production. The drawing is projected onto the cutting table, processing station, device, etc. This drawing can be modified by gesture control. Usually, the manufacturing process accepts small imperfections in blanks or invests in complex alteration cycles through the design. This is time-consuming and cost-intensive. GCS shortens these cycles. Directly on the blanking system or in the assembly, the drawings can be modified until the component fits optimally, then the drawing can be transferred to the construction. This is a significant time and cost savings especially for small series and prototypes. Modern computer technology makes it possible to operate without screen, keyboard and mouse.
Hengstmann Solutions GmbH Am Reutberg 4 83679 Sachsenkam Tel.: 08021 50472 0 Fax: 08021 50472 28 Mail: info@hengstmann.com