Hengstmann Solutions GmbH Am Reutberg 4 83679 Sachsenkam Tel.: 08021 50472 0 Fax: 08021 50472 28
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Hengstmann Solutions GmbH Am Reutberg 4 83679 Sachsenkam Tel.: 08021 50472 0 Fax: 08021 50472 28 Mail: info@hengstmann.com
Industry 4.0 System Solutions Industry 4.0 means far more than just having a communicable sensor. The core iddeas are to have production systems with these posibilities: Documentation and Transparency: For each component, all product and process data are available and accessible at all times. With our Data Analysis Platform, the data are consolidated accordingly Data-Analysis : By means of the data image of the production and application environment of each component the data analysis can be used to identify the possible reasons for failures and inadequate product quality. Corrective measures can thus be initiated. For these tasks, our Data Analysis Platform is available, with which Industry 4.0 system solutions can be created. Batch-Size 1: Here, the production line is flexible, and the work-piece "tells“ the production line what should be done with it. In this scenario, image processing is an Industry 4.0 Sensor that receives parameters and provides data.